The topic of dog behavior... very complex, without a doubt. Accordingly, there are many approaches to this topic. As a certified dog psychologist, in addition to dog walking, I can also offer you help on how to get along with your pet. I help you to understand certain behaviors of a dog and to find out where they come from.

ATTENTION: I do not offer dog training!

Dog psychology - what is it?

"Only those who understand their dog will enable their dog to understand their human."

This sentence initially seems to cause more confusion than clarify the profession of dog psychologist. Nevertheless, it shows what the job of a dog psychologist is: to teach dog owners to understand their dog's body language correctly - and thus to understand their furry friend correctly.

This forms the basis for a solid and good human-dog relationship. A foundation that is unfortunately too often lost today, often with fatal consequences: Behavioral problems, basic obedience problems and other abnormalities.

Nevertheless, the work of a dog psychologist is not the same as that of a dog trainer. Although everything starts with the dog's problems, the work of a dog psychologist begins with talking.

During this root cause analysis, the focus is initially on the dog's soul. First of all, the dog owner should learn to understand their dog properly. 


Our offer...

Puppy advice

Do you want a dog, but don't know which one is right for you?

There are many ways to choose a dog: after a test on the Internet, after the appearance, after the first impression.

My puppy advice/dog advice also offers you other components: I will sit down with you while you are still considering getting a dog and give you professional advice on the key decisions:

- Puppy from a breeder or a dog from animal welfare/shelter?  

- Which breed, which sex suits me?

Even after the decision has been made, I will support you and your new addition in the early stages in order to create a harmonious relationship for the future.

Behavioral problems in dogs


As much as dog owners hate to hear it, behavioral problems in dogs usually start with the owner's behavior. A dog trainer trains dogs, dog psychologists try to understand the psyche of the respective dog and research the causes. Because if you understand your dog better, you know how to deal with the situation better. I sit down with you and your four-legged friend and try to remove 'language barriers' in order to create a happier relationship.




Too far away for a personal consultation? Consultations via video chat are also possible. For further questions, just get in touch! 

Costs per consultation hour:   



phone:  015757834614


Adress : Waldstraße 19a

                  67731 Otterbach

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